Crochet Basics: Double Crochet Two Together

Crochet Basics: Double Crochet Two Together

The double crochet two together or the DC2TOG is a crochet technique that shapes your projects by combining two double crochet stitches thereby decreasing the number of stitches of your double crochet rows or rounds.

You can decrease externally and internally in your double crochet rows. Performing the DC2TOG at the beginning and at the end of the rows decreases externally, whilst decreasing in between the beginning and the end of your rows decreases the double crochet stitches internally.

This tutorial will show you how to perform DC2TOG internally and externally + create a double crochet triangle shape!


Begin with a slip knot and chain (CH) 12.

Row 1: Double crochet (DC) in the 4th CH from the hook and in the next 8 CHs. Turn your work. Total stitches: 10

Row 2: (External Decrease) CH 2, yarn over (YO) and insert your hook into the next stitch and pull up a loop, YO and pull through 2 loops, YO and pull through the remaining 2 loops on your hook. DC in the next 6 stitches. DC2TOG in the next 2 stitches. Turn your work. Total stitches: 8


CH 2, yarn over (YO) and insert your hook into the next stitch and pull up a loop, YO and pull through 2 loops, YO and pull through the remaining 2 loops on your hook.


YO and insert your hook into the designated stitch and pull up a loop, YO and pull through the 2 loops on your hook. YO and insert your hook into the next stitch and pull up a loop, YO and pull through the 2 loops on your hook. YO and pull through all the 3 loops on your hook.

Row 3: CH 3, DC in every stitch in the row. Turn your work. Total stitches: 8

Row 4: DC2TOG, DC in the next 4 stitches, DC2TOG. Turn your work. Total stitches: 6

Row 5: CH 3, DC in every stitch in the row. Turn your work.

Row 6: DC2TOG, DC in the next 2 stitches, DC2TOG. Turn your work. Total stitches: 4

Row 7: CH 3, DC in every stitch in the row. Turn your work.

Row 8: DC2TOG 2X. Turn your work. Total stitches: 2

Row 9: CH 3, DC in the next stitch, turning your work.

Row 10: DC2TOG. Fasten off and weave in any loose ends.


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